Zordzman Wiki

Main Page - Server

The server is a game server that clients (players) can join, and is bound to interface (listens on all interfaces). The server is ran through the command line.

Command line execution

For Linux and Mac OS X, the server can by ran by typing the following:
cd path-to-server-binary
./zordzman-server --map maps/map.lvl
(where path-to-server-binary is where the server binary is located.)
It will not run if no map is given (through --map).

Server arguments:

--map <mapfile>

This will set the starting map for the server. The file must exist and not be a folder. The map file will be <mapfile>. This argument is required for the server to start.

--port <port>

This will set the port to listen on. If this is not given, the default port is 4544.


Displays help message.


Disable downloads. Clients who request maps or resource packages will be immediately disconnected with the message "Downloads not enabled."

--max-clients <clients>

Set the maximum amount of clients that can connect. The default max clients is 5.

--resources <package>

Choose resource package to use. Default resource package path is "resources.tar".